Before submitting a poster, please pay attention to the following points:
• The cost of displaying posters per person at the congress exhibition is set at 200,000 Tomans. This amount will be used for the preparation of exhibition monitors to display your poster.
• Please use the following template for preparing your poster. It is possible to design the poster using other software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and related programs; however, the submitted file format must strictly adhere to the specified framework.
• After submitting your poster, please check your email daily. The congress secretariat will communicate with you via the email address provided during poster registration for any potential revisions to the submitted file.
• You can also register and participate in this congress via the following link:
Note: Please upload all your poster files at once and in this form; otherwise, the poster registration fee will be calculated separately for each submission.
© 2024. Shiraz University, Pathobiology Dept.
Design: Artin Sheibani